Freedom owner's got me locked up in this new crate thing in the back of her room. Maybe she got a little pissed at the fact I was chilling (and relieving myself) on her bed while she was out. Eh, the new digs ain't bad. I've got room to stretch my legs, plus a little wee wee pad in case I can't hold it until she gets home.
I spent most of my day in the crate while my owner, Bee (whom I'll introduce to you in a bit) was out gallivanting around the city. Rumor has it she went to a movie preview after a full day's work, then hit her ex-boyfriend's birthday party. I don't think I'd ever go to a party where a bunch of people were celebrating how great the guy who broke my heart is. But my owner says she's made amends. And she claims all of his friends are cute, so she likes to keep herself in their company.
Well, if they're good-looking, then I can't blame her for wanting to stay close with the ex. He's so conceited, he thinks she's tolerating his presence just for his friendship. Little does he know she's got a more complex strategy.
Anyway, she stumbled home with disheveled hair and a toothy grin in time to walk me, so I can't talk smack about her tonight. I'm not sure if she behaved herself, but I'm confident that she'll have some bedroom company in the next few weeks.
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