Sunday, January 06, 2008


I really thought Bee was going to stick to her "no drinking until Feb. 8" resolution/mission. There are not a lot of parties on her calendar this month, and she is determined to get back on the healthy tip after a sugar-filled holidays. But no. Friday night brought yummy Mexican tapas at Mercadito, followed by a bunch of fruity cocktails at Employees Only with her friend, J.

Saturday saw a bunch of models at Tenjune for the filming of a television show on Bravo, two glasses of wine, a screwdriver, and dancing on banquettes at The Plumm. The ONLY reason there was dancing at any club on Saturday is because it was Arn's 30th birthday (see posts about babysitter from November 2006). So they lost their minds. In a good way.

And why does Bee have Feb. 8 as her goal date? That’s the day of her friend Lin's wedding. Present will be Bee's ex-boyfriend, The Little Israeli That Could. He also dated Lin. He also dated another girl that will be in attendance, Zo. Bee doesn't want him back, she just wants to look so hot that he can't keep his eyes off of her. As Ivana Trump said; "Looking good is the best revenge."


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