Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas shopping

We have six more days until Christmas, people. And really only three more shoping days left, becasue Bee and I are on the plane to our Midwest Day Spa and Resort on Tuesday.

Bee is just a few gifts away from being done. Thursday night was a marathon of online shopping, packing and shipping. She only has me and her mother left to buy for.
Which reminds me, I need to put together my wish list.

Meanwhile, on Wednesday, we took a trip to KMart with my new auntie, Jay (yes, y'all, there is yet another girlfriend up in the crib. And she's awesome. Like really. More on that later.)

Anyway, we had to go to KMart looking for wrapping paper and a New York magazine as part of a lucky someone's holiday gift. No, I'm not revealing who. Why do you think humans tell me everything? Because secrets never leave this black box, honey!

We found a bunch of polyester dresses, some bad assorted chocolates wrapped in red and green foil, a few cans of Spam, some Jet Puffed marshmallows, but no New York magazine.

Then we went to Duane Reade, which didn't have carts so I actually had to hoof it around the store. Jay found the coveted magazine at the bottom of a bunch of boxes that had come in with the latest shipment of goods. But I guess her excitement got the best of when after tearing open the box and digging out one of the magazines, the entire thing spilled over, right in front of one of the employees.

You know he was PISSED!!!!

Thankfully, I ended up working my charms on him to diffuse the situation. The three of us walked out without a security escort out of the building.
See? My goodies work every time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dearest Luce,

Um. We all know why you guys were actually at Kmart. That Spam you saw on the shelves? You bought the remaining cans. See the article below on how Americans are once again eating Spam, thanks to the economic disaster. Merry Merry! Love, Cecily

2:57 PM  
Blogger Lucy V. said...

Bee hasn't bought me any Spam yet. Why am I still getting hard nuggets as opposed to faux human food?c

9:09 PM  

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