Monday, September 12, 2005

My tummy hurts!

Number of roommates sleeping here: two
Number of roommates that put in a full day of work: one
Number of beers in the fridge: five
Number of bras Aye has scattered on her bedroom floor before the cleaning lady came this afternoon: three
Number of pounds Bee wants to lose before mid-October: five

Bee has to take me to the vet because I haven't been feeling well. Nothing agrees with me these days. It started Friday, and I've been making a mess ever since. It's not like I don't want to eat, I just process everything so quickly. So Bee is keeping me from other dogs until I get myself together.

Aye is getting ready for a business trip in California. Exactly what business I will never understand, because it's not like she has to actually DO anything. It's funny, she even bought new clothes for the week. Who's going to care what you're wearing if you have a job where you are required to leave the house at ELEVEN! C'mon, Aye, we know you're fronting. This trip is nothing more than a vacation with that guy you met at Brother Jimmy's except you're too ashamed to tell the roomies.


Meanwhile, another roommate is volunteering in the Gulf. You tell me which business trip seems more legit.

Dee....oh Deeee....eeee. She's still in Paris shopping the Champs-E‰lysees. Drinking rich red wine by the Louvre.

Which means that worker bee, Bee, will be the only one in the house Tuesday through Thursday. Taking care of lil' ol me while I get through this stomach bug. She'll make a great mother.


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