Sunday, September 25, 2005


Number of roommates who slept here last night: well, what counts as "night"? Is it before the sun came up? Then one roommate slept here last night. But two roommates somehow found their way into their beds this morning after clubbing through sunrise
Number of roommates who slept with someone else last night: one
Number of men that have spent the night in the apartment during the weekend: three
Number of men whose names will be remembered past this weekend: two
Number of bottles of Gatorade consumed over this weekend: five

Oh, wee!! The activity this weekend brought!! I never saw so much early morning bruhaha on the weekends, and not from people rising early to grab the paper. It's from people coming IN from the clubs and bars!! Good times! Welcome to fall.

I am especially proud of Dee's 1 PM arrival Saturday afternoon. Starbucks in one hand, food in another. She claims she doesn't know where she slept on Friday night.My question is: if you get completely obliterated to the point where you don't remember where you are, then your drunken activities--be it a one night stand that might or might not have happened, or simply passing out uninvited on a stranger's couch-- didn't really happen, since you can't prove otherwise, right?


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