Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow day

Number of roommates sleeping here: three
Number of roommates sleeping here at 2:45 on Sunday afternoon: one
Number of inches of snow on the patio: anywhere from 12 to 18 inches
Number of cups of tea consumed by roommates since 9 AM: 8
Number of room renovations underway: one was completed last night, another one will begin Tuesday

I almost died walking outside today, nearly buried alive under all of that snow. This is by far the most amount of snow I've ever had to trek through.

Bee, Cee and Ei have relegated themselves to the house for most of the day. Ei had an eye doc's appointment at 9:30 this morning (poor girl), Bee walked me and ran to Duane Reade for some cleaning supplies around 11, and Cee went to brunch (naturally, snow will not stop that girl from socializing). All are now back in their pajamas.

I have settlede in my corner of the living room, all snuggled on my pillows. I'm gong to catch a day long nap, until Bee has the strength to walk me one more time.

Of course, if she's feeling lazy and wants to just throw down a wee wee pad, I'd completely understand.


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