Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Day three of Dee and Bee searching through Myspace profiles for not only Lil' Beefy, but for the 1,000 or so supposed guido-esque friends that Lil' Beefy is for sure connected to. Bee has serious issues. Tonight she committed herself to staying in with a pint of ice cream so she could curl up in bed with her computer to search through Myspace profiles and laugh with Dee at their unnecessary cinematic thoroughness.

It's amazing that both Dee and Bee went to top universities and can't figure out how to upload a sound clip on these sites (Dee has one, while Bee was still crafting her new site as I type), but the part-time firefighter from Staten Island has his completely hooked up. I wouldn't be surprised if he's got RSS feeds!

And now, to show you all a favorite link of Bee and Dee's. This soon-to-be-classic PSA provided the moral theme of their Miami vacation. The girls reminded themselves that while they had a civic duty to get their party on, they were also responsible for stopping the spread of douchebaggery.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Official Statistic: MySpace is comprised of 82.325% profiles by "Those Guys" and the girls the are currently F@c&ing them.
(about 14.6% are pre-teen girls chatting with older men, and the rest are dorks who actually live in cool, vibrant cities, yet can't find anything else to do with themselves)

11:20 PM  

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