Oh goodness
I don't know if the roommates are turning into bats, but these chicks are all about sleeping all day and partying at night.
Friday night, Bee, Dee and Ei were hyped up to go to Pacha this evening to relive Winter Music Conference in New York by dancing for 12 hours to one of their fave DJs, Erick Morillo. After chugging six or so Red Bulls apiece, they were able to dance until 4 AM, with Bee sticking around an extra hour to shake her ass until it fell off (fortunately, she left with ass in tact).
Although she was there by herself, Bee made many friends in an hour's time. One, she recognized a short, beefy, Italian looking guy (who most likely was a proud resident of Bay Ridge ) out of the corner of her eye. She approached him and asked if he was in Miami two weeks ago for WMC.
"I was all over the place that weekend," Lil' Beefy responded.
"But you were at Nikki Beach Monday. I have a picture of you there," Bee answers.
Bee and Lil' Beefy made friends there on the dance floor, reminiscing about Miami and which parties each one went to (he chose Tiesto over Morillo on Sunday night when the two DJ's had parties on the same night.) She scored an invitation to his birthday party in a few weeks at Crobar to see--who else?--Tiesto. Although he was hardly boyfriend material since Bee looked down at him even though she was wearing flat boots, she thought he was worth keeping in touch with as a friend.
The three roommates slept all day Saturday. No one emerged except to eat and pee.
In fact I don't believe anyone showered until Monday morning, since Sunday was also more sleeping and watching movies in their respective rooms.
Damn. At least I lick myself every couple of hours in between naps.
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