Number of days until Miami: four
Number of roommates sleeping here: three
Number of roommates sitting in front of computer: two
Number of CDs listened to while rearranging apartment last night: 10
Number of hot tracks from 1999: 34
Number of dollars Bee spent on healthy groceries so she doesn't fall off the wagon four days before her vacation: 35
Number of dollars Dee spent on healthy groceries Sunday night so she doesn't fall off the wagon four days before her vacation: 28
I kinda like the new arrangement. It puts the red velvet couch (may favorite!) right in front of the television. Now when Bee is watching CSI, I can see what's going on.
Meanwhile, Cee has another suitor trailing her hot Cuban ass. This one is a smartie pie finance dude whom she met on the plane returning from the South. He was seated in first class, as was she. As Cee went to the washroom and returned, he invited himself to sit down next to her a few rows back from his assigned seat. They chatted, exchanged phone numbers, and have been on two dates since last Tuesday.
How in the world does she do it? How can she woo men over with one shake of her long red hair?
Bee should sign up for lessons, stat.
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