locked out
Here's a sign that Bee's partying may have gotten out of control. After drinking Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, Bee came back from the gym Friday morning and threw her keys on her bed. As of Sunday, she still hasn't found the set. I believe that erosion of her memory is caused by overconsumption of alcohol. The mind is the first thing to go. I assume she'll start dropping things--including me--as her coordination deteriorates next.
And it seems the alcoholism is spreading. After a doozy of a bender, Bee's friend, M, who joined her last night in another night out, slinked over to the apartment to declare she had lost her phone somewhere between the bar, the deli where they stopped at an ATM, and the cab home. It's like, why are these girls THINKING?
At least I can hold my liquor.
In other news, London Fling invited me down to his apartment once Dee gets settled in. It's an effort to still include me in their lives even after Dee moves out. I take that as a good sign, but it still won't be the same when she leaves. When Dee does leave, I will make sure to request her and LF as my top choice for babysitters when Bee goes out of town.
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