Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dr. F

Bee called the vet, the wonderful Dr. F about my lil' stomach problem. He said it was normal. He thought that perhaps a body of my stature needed a high fiber diet as opposed to a low fiber one, since the carrots seem to help my runs. But he said I should eat them along with normal dog food. If I don't clean up in a week, then I have to go back to the vet.


Cee...does she still live here anymore? We never see her unless she is with the Boyfriend. She leaves only with him. She returns ONLY with him. It's as if she cannot exist in the house without him. I mean, should he start paying rent?

Contradiction of the day: Women who go on vacation with three dollars in their pockets.
Aye seemed to have fallen short and borrowed a few bucks from Bee until her checks cleared. She leaves for vacation tomorrow and didn't even have cab fare. My question-- should you be going on vacation? Will you have enough cash for bad airport food at LaGuardia? What about tipping the skycap at the curb? God forbid you buy souvenirs at a local gas station.

You probably should, uh, work, so that next time, you have some cash to spend.

Course, Bee is no better. She's often bought dog food over dinner and then says things like, "I needed to lose a few pounds anyway." And Dee? Well, Dee just buries her head in her room and disregards all financial responsibility. Easier that way. Cee? Well, that's what the boyfriend is for.


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