Sunday, December 04, 2005

What's this white stuff?

Number of roommate sleeping here: three
Number of roommates that will be sleeping here tonight: four (Cee left for New Orleans today, but the London Fling returns for another two weeks.)
Number of roommates that drank last night: two
Number of roommates that woke up before noon: one
Number of inches of snow on the ground: two

This white stuff on the ground is weird. It makes me really cold, since my paws are basically being frozen with each step.
This morning was the first time that I experienced snow in my life. It's soft, yet cold, so Bee has to make sure I'm sawthed in cahsmere any time we go out.

So after Bee chickening out last week and not going next door to let me frolick with the Next Door Neighbor's dog, she is sacking up and dropping me off tomorrow. NDN made fun of her for not knocking on the door last week. "I was there!" he said.

Of course he was there, because he DOESN'T DO ANYTHING ALL DAY.


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