Monday, February 13, 2006

Ice games

It's not everyday that we have professional athletes in the house. Especially on days with two feet of snow on the ground.

That said, it's perfectly understandable that a professional hockey player shows up to visit Cee (of course) at 8 PM last night. Cee has entertained said hockey player after he got her phone number at a swanky downtown lounge. But although this gentleman is tall, dark haired, French and loaded (Cee's type) he's a stiff as a cardboard box. And he rather watch sports than check out the opera. Therefore, Cee's not interested romantically.

She is, on the other hand, interested in him doting on her like she was royalty, and sharing a few laughs in the meantime.

So Cee invited the bruly Frenchman over to watch the Olympics with her and Bee and Ei (the others were required to stay to remove any opportunity of one-on-one alone time). When he arrived, I of course had to sniff him out to make sure he was TRULY French.

He was. He was allowed to stay.

After the cute formalities, Frenchie decided to get to know the girls a bit better. "Do you have boyfriends?" he asked.

Why, Frenchie? Because Bee and Ei weren't cuddled in bed with someone on this snow day? Because we'd rather hang out in our apartment by ourselves in our pjs instead of picking up behind some stank ass man?!

Ei and Bee became annoyed, and soon looked for a way out.

They soon retreated to bed, leaving Cee in the living room with Frenchie. According to what I could overhear, there was no kissing, just some gentle caressing and canoodling, and Cee politely yet sternly removing his hand from unwanted body parts.

See? Even professional athletes aren't guaranteed any action in this apartment.


Blogger katie g. said...

Lucy, where are you? I like knowing about all the roomies


11:21 AM  
Blogger Lucy V. said...

Sorry, dear. I'm back now! Took a little hiatus while I fended off an ear infection.

11:34 PM  

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