Number of roommates sleeping here: two, plus one houseguest
Number of roommates still living here: three (Dee is all but gone, Cee hasn't slept here in a week. Matter of fact, Cee hasn't slept in New York in a week)
Number of roommates up before 7 AM this morning: two
Number of open bottles of wine on the counter: one
Number of bottles of shampoo in the shower: seven
Number of bottles of Advil in the bathroom: three
I smell trouble. Bee asked the dog walker to come twice today. That means she won't be home to walk me this evening. Meaning she's sleeping out.
Where the heck is she going?
And I don't appreciate not being invited.
In roommate news, the girls picked two potential cohabitants they liked from Sunday's cattle call. But two of them were downright crazy. One walked in wearing a sundress and heels and spoke as if she'd smoked a doobie before coming over. She told us within the first two minutes, "I just got back from the tanning bed. I'm going to Vegas for my 21st birthday!"
The second one was worse, in a manipulative sort of way. First, she had the nerve to walk OVER me without saying hello when she arrived. Then she walked through the apartment like shew owned the place, putting her dirty bag on our kitchen table (which she probably put on the floor of the subway before putting it on the surface where we eat dinner). Then she asked why Dee was moving. We told her because she moved in with her boyfriend.
And then the manhating started.
"Well, hmph! Good luck with that," she said."Next thing you know she'll call you in two months saying, 'can I have my room back, it's not working out."
Ei and Bee looked at each other in horror. How judgemental.
The 36 year old woman continued to talk about her dating horror stories in New York and called her last boyfriend "that piece of shit." "Ugh, no one is good enough for me. Just because I have an MBA from MIT they think that they, like, either can take me for granted because I'm independent or they can't keep up," she declared.
This was all before her asking why we don't charge more for the room. "You could totally get, like, $300 more for that room. You should charge more."
"Why?" Bee said, "So you can pay more, and then talk to Ei and find out how much she pays, and then you get pissed and sue us?"
"Oh, right, I can see how that would be a problem."
We never called her back.
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