Celebration continues
The gifts just keep on coming!!! Bee's friend, AP, got me this SUH-WEET hoodie that you see me modeling here...
..and a whole bunch of other stuff!!!
I'm so thankful! I can't wait to try this new shampoo she bought me. It's much more high end than the cheap stuff Bee buys me from Petco (I'm not hating, Bee, but you have never bought me organic anything).
Does this mean Bee will never have to use a spare piece of newspaper because she always forgets to restock before we leave for out morning walks?
Thanks, AP!! I love all my new toys!! I'm sorry you couldn't make it to our fabu party, but we'll have to have our own private cupakes and champagne celebration, just the two of us.
Bee, you've had enough. In fact, you had one too many cupcakes. C'mon, let's take our rotund cabooses for a walk!
LUCY!! you look SOOOOO cute in your hoodie!! i am so glad you're home!! i love you and cant wait to hang w/ you girl!!
Hey Bitch, u look hot in them pics, sorry i missed that there party. My name, btw, is Harry, and i'm a dirty dog. There's been books written 'bout me. Google u'll see. 'Harry the dirty dog'. Less git a lil romance goin' whaddya say? I've had less romance then Jesus!! and tell yo moma to call that Jewish Kid- here's his number- 646 320 2246- 'cause he can't call her because his wife... ooopps... I mean because he lost his cell which had her number in it- tell her there's a free cup of joe in it fer her if she calls (that always gets the jewish girls)BUT BRING YOU ALONG. and wear a lil bling if u wanna swing with the king yo- aiiight- peace
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