Summer weight
I went to the vet last Friday, a new one, since my usual New York vet, Dr. Freid, doesn't take patients at the end of the week.
This vet was either a bit inexperienced, or just new to the office. She didn't know where half of her vaccines were. This made me more nervous than usual. I jumped off of the examining table five feet down to the floor. Twice.
And if I was already skittish about the vet because of her lack of knowledge, this made me even more distant. She told Bee that I was in perfect health, but "she'd like to see me a little leaner."
Oh, no she didn't.
Obviously she is not aware of my vigorous workout routine (5 days a week at the dog run for an hour for intense cardio, plus two low intensity half-hour walks) and my natural kibble diet. OBVIOUSLY she is unaware that I am leaner than most Frenchies and often am complimented on my slimmer bone structure.
Obviously, she's not aware that I have since dropped my winter flab and transformed it into mostly muscle through aforementioned workout and diet plan.
And most obviously, she's not aware that I have maintained my size Medium frame for 2 years now, and that medium sized stocky frame with my buxom cleavage and tanklike badonkadonk characteristic of the French Bulldog breed does , in fact, bring ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD!
Obviously....we need to start seeing Dr. Freid again.
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