Friday, October 07, 2005


Seems like I've been too busy to keep up with my daily postings. A recap of my day:

7 AM--First walk of the day. Sniffed two doggy butts. Laid waste.
7:15--Back to crate for a little mid morning nap while Bee hits the gym.
8:15--Released. Breakfast is continental style organic chicken, lamb and sweet potato puree--hardened into bite-sized nuggets.
9 AM--Back to crate
11 AM--Scratch ears, lick butt. sleep.
1 PM--Still sleeping. Turn over onto side so I can stretch my legs.
3 PM--Lick butt again. Look out patio and wonder why I am not chewing on fern in backyard.
3:30--Aye looks into make sure I'm still alive. Doesn't let me out. Bitch.
4:30--Dee arrives! Releases me from prison. Jump on couch. Lick Dee's boobies . (I'm not a lesbian, but I like the taste of salt on human skin.)
5-7--Wander from kitchen to bedroom to bathroom and plop down on rug for nap. Scurry to kitchen whenever I hear refrigerator door open. Look lovingly at Aye when Chinese food arrives. Bee finally comes home and takes me on walk.
7:15--Walk ten blocks. Was raining, so all of my friends were inside. Come back inside to eat another delectable meal of chicken, lamb and sweet potato.
7:30-11 Cuddle on couch with Bee and Dee while they watch CSI. Pass gas while sitting on Bee's lap.

As you see, I'm a busy girl, and can't always keep up with the postings EVERY day. But no excuses. Didn't mean to keep my fans in suspense. Will report more regularly.


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