Saturday, July 30, 2005


And now, meet Bee:

Petite, 5 foot 2, curly hair. Cute in a Cameron Diaz way, but not as smoldering hot. Dating no one, by choice (last guy she dated was the Next Door Neighbor. Didn't work out. Now she can't go to the corner deli without full makeup.)

Number of guys she's escorted into our apartment since my arrival: none
Number of purses: eight
Number of trips to the gym in the last week: four
Number of times she walks me throughout the day: four
Number of drunken nights spent outside of the apartment in a year's time: none (although tends to call three days of drunken evenings elsewhere "vacation.")

Smart, driven, determined. A talented editor for a book publisher. Works late, parties hard. Able to dance until dawn, come home, change, go to work and write two freelance articles without fatigue.

Best Bee moment--July 4, 2002. Takes bottle of champagne off of W Hotel bar and chugs. Burly bouncer comes over and says "you can't do that." Bee replies, " You're right," and proceeds to pour champagne on his shoe. "Forgot to pour out some liquor for my homeys."


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