Saturday, October 08, 2005

Rain rain go away!

Contradiction of the day: Doggies who get periods even though they're fixed.

Case in point. Me.

There seems to be this confusion between my ovaries and my uh, goodies. I had surgery that I though prevented me from getting periods. Yet Dee noticed this brownish stuff near my goodies. Unexplainable. I'm not supposed to have a period, right?

I mean, I guess I've been a little moody here lately. I have craved salty foods (Dee's boobies, Cee's feet). And I have been gassier than usual today. But I wasn't expecting a visit from Aunt Flo.

Do I have to call Dr. F and ask for a redo? I mean, they're supposed to get that right the FIRST time. Now Bee won't let me on the couch ever again.


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