Thursday, February 15, 2007

Day after

Happy day after Valentine's Day! I heard a funny thing on the radio today. The broadcasters were saying that this is acutally Side Bitch or Side Brouagh day, where you show your woman or your man on the side some loving. Totally true. V-day is the day you gotsta put up with your main squeeze (for me, that would be no one, for Ei and Bee nobody, and for Dee and Cee that would be London Fling and Nee, respectively)

Today though, was for the Side Bitches and Broaughs. For me, that's Gizmo down the street, the Boston Terrier I walk with every day who thinks he's my main Broaugh, but really he's just a side hustle. EI, Dee and Cee don't have any Side Broaughs.

But Bee, that's a different story. I can't figure this one out. She was home both yesterday and today, but gone on Tuesday. She spent all day on V-day alone, but was on the phone all night tonight giggling and cooing to someone. And she's been coming home at least once a week to put on fancy dresses and high heels and go right back out within the hour. And for six weeks in a row she's spent the night out somewhere.

I think she's got something on the side going on. Just can't quite put my paw on who.


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