Sunday, March 30, 2008

Why we love AP

E-mail from AP to Bee, Thursday morning:

On 3/27/08 11:04 AM, ""AP" wrote:

"There's a black dog in the ny times on pp c7 of the circuits page. So cute. Boston terrier. I'm just saying!!"

Good looking out, AP! Always promoting the success of black dogs in the animal modeling industry. The system won't hold us down!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why won't she call the Jew!!?? He sez there's a free coffe in it fer her if she does. I mean not a large or anything, but still. ya'know it's b.b.q. time again - already missed the first kick-off one. There were: Toppless Jewish men, warm bear, kosher franks, - I mean is that a hot party or what?! Police even showed up 'cause they couldn't resolve peacfully between them, who had ordered the 'tax' on the bill. Wild! - let the good times roll- They even played 'hide the calculater'ya know- but it got ugly - I mean that's a relative term of course at a jewish party but still, Oh btw- Adam Sandler and David Lee Roth were there - just 'btw.' 646 320 2246

3:47 PM  

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