Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Uh, hello? Is anybody down there? Ah, yes, Dee. The fourth roommate and the most recent tenant. Blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. Works at Goldman Sachs, but would rather be designing shoes. 5'9" with D cups. Needless to say, she's not lonely much.

Number of guys she's escorted into our apartment since my arrival: four
Number of purses: thirteen
Number of trips to the gym in the last week: two
Number of times she walks me throughout the day: once if Bee can't make it home by seven
Number of drunken nights spent outside of the apartment in a year's time: three. Does one count if she slept on our front stoop?

Dee has an infectious attitude--happy go lucky, positive and a boisterous laugh that makes even the Grinch smile. Spends many nights watching Law and Order in her room. Knows just about every episiode by heart. Got so bored with L&O that Bee got her hooked on CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Now stays holed up in room, just an hour earlier.


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