Saturday, August 20, 2005


Can someone please tell Nicole Richie that she looks like a fly in those damn oversized sunglasses?

It's a soggy day in NYC, meaning Bee won't be taking me to the park to play. I love going there and seeing new canines. I love my block and the seven other Frenchies between Broadway and West End, but sometimes I need a little variety. I can only smell the same butts for so long.

Cee came in the other night and explained why she's been gone so much. No she wasn't offended by me shedding on the couch. She has been working overtime, and her family from Brazil is here. She gave me a few kisses before she went back to Jersey.

Dee is really serious about the whole working out/eating right thing. Girl has been kicking it at the gym on a regular. Haven't heard any stories of harassment, so that must mean the boys are becoming intimidated by her ever-growing muscles.

And Bee, my always frustrated owner. Now she's swearing because she realized that she made a mistake in something she wrote for work. I told her it's just a job. She insists she'll be getting fired. I think she should relax.


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