Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday, 1:15 PM

We're waiting patiently for our house guest, who we hear just touched down at Laguardia.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


How exciting is this!? We're having a HOUSE GUEST!!!!!! Yes, Bee's best girfriend from high school, T. is coming to town for a girls' weekend tomorrow! Whoo-hoo!

Bee took two days off of work just to hang out. Bee's already talking about shopping, getting manicures and pedicures, grabbing cupcakes at Magnolia, burgers at The Spotted Pig and all sorts of New York sight seeing.

And you KNOW that means I get to tag along!

T. is scheduled to touch down at 12:15! That means festivities will be on and popping by 2!

Pass the champagne!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Diamond Dogs

Every girl loves their bling. Dogs are no different. Bee received this in her inbox at work. I wouldn't mind any of these items as a gift. Moreover, why didn't they ask me to model the jewels?

-----Original Message-----
From: SG []
Sent: Mon 3/16/2009 5:51 PM
To: Bee
Subject: Diamonds from DDNY

Please find attached a look book of the hottest new luxe jewelry inspired by pets. As we saw in Mickey Rourke's Golden Globes acceptance speech, in hard times people seek and form some of their strongest bonds with their best friends i.e. dogs.

Diamond Dog is high end jewelry all set in 18kt gold and white gold and adorned with white diamonds, black diamonds and black onyx. Please review our current press release for style and design details.

We would like to be considered for upcoming photo shoots and jewelry trend stories. We will follow up shortly by phone to assess your interest.

Looking forward to speaking with you

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Road trip!

Mommy's going away!

Well, not far. Just to New Jersey. But that means I get a vacation, too! I'm staying the night back on the Upper West Side with Bee's friend, Meez P. Meez P. nicknames me "muffin face" bak when i was just a pup. I know this will totally be fun!

Why? Because her and her husband Meezter P., always order from Dinosaur BBQ when we go to visit. Which means I inevitably get some nibbles of bbq chicken, ribs and cornbread! So I KNOW they'll get some for my special night at their casa!!!!


Saturday, March 07, 2009

Saturday morning

It was a gorgeous day in the city. So good that Bee and I went for a long exploration of Noho and Soho today.

We walked here from our apartment....

We even went to the Apple store in Soho. Which is located here.

It was the longest stretch of my legs in two months.

Which left me here.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Resting place

Where I spent the last two days staying warm during the snowstorm.

Monday, March 02, 2009

View from the top

What six inches of snow looked like from our fourth floor Astor Place apartment.

What it looks like from four inches above ground.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


It's supposed to snow 6 inches today. I'm hibernating until Tuesday.

As if that's in any way abnormal compared to most days.