Thursday, March 29, 2007


All I have to say is.....I can't believe he came here.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

locked out

Here's a sign that Bee's partying may have gotten out of control. After drinking Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights, Bee came back from the gym Friday morning and threw her keys on her bed. As of Sunday, she still hasn't found the set. I believe that erosion of her memory is caused by overconsumption of alcohol. The mind is the first thing to go. I assume she'll start dropping things--including me--as her coordination deteriorates next.

And it seems the alcoholism is spreading. After a doozy of a bender, Bee's friend, M, who joined her last night in another night out, slinked over to the apartment to declare she had lost her phone somewhere between the bar, the deli where they stopped at an ATM, and the cab home. It's like, why are these girls THINKING?

At least I can hold my liquor.

In other news, London Fling invited me down to his apartment once Dee gets settled in. It's an effort to still include me in their lives even after Dee moves out. I take that as a good sign, but it still won't be the same when she leaves. When Dee does leave, I will make sure to request her and LF as my top choice for babysitters when Bee goes out of town.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Warming up

Bee is working from home this morning. So she says. I'm not one to gossip...well, yes I am...but she hasn't come home sober since Monday. And even then , she drank from one of the open wine bottles. I smell a dependency problem brewing.

Despite the increased consumption of alcohol, she has come home every night, and I believe she's coming home tonight, too. Meaning whoever she's been spending nights out with isn't on her schedule this week. What does that mean?

I've never seen this person nor heard much said about this person, whom we'll refer to as The Overnighter in the apartment. I've got to do more digging. Ain't no way my mommy is going to crash at someone else's place all this time without my approval.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Number of roommates sleeping here: three, plus one boyfriend (Nee)
Number of bottles of wine in the refrigerator: three
Number of grapefruits in the refrigerator: three
Number of cartons of ice cream in the freezer: two
Number of roommates trying to get their side hustle on to earn extra money: two
Number of roommates that are actually getting their side hustle on: one

Oh my. I spent all day cooped up in the apartment, so I took some of that time to cuddle on Bee's bed. Bee did not like that, and gave me a reminder that I am banned from the bed. But what exactly am I supposed to do for eight hours by myself here, sleep on the floor? The floor is hard, cold, uncomfortable. And my poor ribs start to ache when I spend too long there.

In other news, Ei is back from a week long stint in Asia. Spring break with a bunch of pre-MBA kids. No hook-ups. Better luck during finals, I guess.

Dee is in Argentina/Brazil. One last hurrah before she becomes Miss Cohabitation. I'm still bitter about that. I'll give her an earful when she returns.

Cee is here cuddling with Nee. They've started picking out furniture for their apartment they're moving into in January. Does that mean they're not taking the beat-up red velvet couch that I ate the entrie left side arm of?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Over and Out

It's official. Dee's moving out.

That damn London Fling.

I knew she'd abandon me here. I knew she'd pick him over me. I gave that girl the best of my two plus years. I licked. I cuddled. I gave affectionate, longing looks from my corner as she walked downstairs to her room every night.

It wasn't enough to keep her.

Excuse me while I go to my corner and cry.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Cough, cough

I don't have much to report from the past couple of days because I was stuck in the house for the better part of the weekend while Bee had strep throat. It was ugly. Girlfriend couldn't even get off of bed most of the time. Friday I had to go without eating because we ran out of dog food and Bee was too sick to go to the store. She had a massive fever.

So I sat on the couch while she lay in bed. When she took it back on Saturday, I sat on her lap. And her stomach. And her head. Then she kicked me off.

I'm the one that's hungry!

Speaking of hungry, what's the one perk that every girl loves about getting sick? No not the sympathy flowers from boyfriends (Bee wouldn't get those anyway. What boyfriend?) , but the weight loss! Ah, yeh.

An easy way to drop three pounds is to get a cold, a sinus infection or strep throat. Food is the last thing from your mind, since you can't taste it and you're too busy blowing your nose or coughing to shovel food in your mouth. You can lose five pounds with a stomach infection since the calories are not only coming in, but also being flushed out as fast as possible. Sometimes too fast for the body to keep up.


Though Bee is still looking slightly pale from being sick, she's so stoked about wearing her skinny jeans and a short skirt now that she's shed some water weight. Also jumps starts her back on her diet since she has no taste for chocolate or bread. And since she's still on antibiotics, she can't drink. That's another pound foregone in calories for the week.

Total weight loss by the time she's off the meds? At least four pounds. You go girl.

Now get to Petco and get me some grub.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Number of roommates sleeping here: Four. Three. I don't know. I think Bee is here. I never know these days.
Number of bottles of wine in the house: none (drought!)
Number of bottles of open liquor in the liquor cabinet: eight
Number of times roommates have take sips from said bottles in the las six months: none

I don't know where Bee has been spending all of her time, but she better learn how to prioritize her quality better. I'm getting lonely.

Last night, my irresponsible master not only locked her keys in the apartment, she stayed out until 2 AM with her friends and some hot former professional football player (she's such a sucker for a beefy guy.) That meant one of the roommates had to wake up from their sound sleep to let her in. Ei was the one who heard the bell, and SHUSHED! Bee loudly so that she wouldn't wake up Cee.

Bee got in trou-ble....!

Then, she tore off her clothes in a drunk fit of frustration, knocked over a whole bottle of hand lotion in the process. I promptly went over and started licking. Yummy! Vanilla flavored.

Bee kicked me out of the way.

Too lazy to clean it up, she shooed me out of the room and shut the door. I spent the night on the couch. I still have a bruise above my eye.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Trouble again

I'm in trouble again.

But it's because Bee's never here and I miss her and I take out my frustrations on the garbage and I needed something to keep my occupied so I tore the trash all over the family room but I wouldn't have done it if someone would have shown me some love ...geez, why won't Bee ever bring me with to some of her fancy schmanzy events and why won't Cee ever cuddle with me when she's cuddled up with her boyfriend, Nee, and why can't Dee take me downstairs just once and I can't help it if I was lonely and just wanted some love and attention on A FRIDAY NIGHT...IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK??!?!?!?