Saturday, November 25, 2006

Adventures with Arn

Yeah!!!! I love living with boys! I've been eating like a queen,sleeping in beds, cuddling with roommates, the whole deal!! When I arrived, it was like Jennifer Lopez had walked into the apartment. I loved it!

And now, a look into Arn's place:

Number of roommates sleeping here: one (Arn's roommates are both out of town in Boston and San Diego)
Number of girls sleeping here: one (me!)
Number of people that kept me company after Bee left me on Wednesday night: seven (the party didn't stop after Arn and Bee went out to celebrate a four-day weekend)
Number of bottles of wine in the kitchen: none
Number of bottles of beer in the kitchen: six
Number of pints of ice cream: two
Number of game systems hooked up to the television: one (Playstation)
Number of real people food meals Arn's fed me: three in two days--pork sandwich, chicken nuggets, and some leftover corn

I love it here. I hope Bee forgets to pick me up Monday.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Number of roommates sleeping here: three
Number of heads of lettuce in the refrigerator: none
Number of bottles of wine in the fridge: one
Number of boxes of Saltines: one, half empty
Number of boxes of cereal: none

Thanksgiving is just four days away, and Bee is going to Michigan to see her family. But I'm not going. And I'm not pleased.

I used to go everywhere with Bee. Last year, she wouldn't have considered not bringing me. But I guess the whole peeing on the bed thing made her reconsider. So, word is Bee is shipping me off with her friend, Arn, for the weekend.

I like Arn. Good guy, really good looking. Met him a few times when he's come over to change light bulbs (he's 6 foot 2) or take Bee to brunch. Bee and Arn should really date, but I hear there's drama there.

Anyway, dude lives with two guys so none of them should be too picky about where I sit or shed or shit, right?

Here's hoping that there's plenty of chicken and a warm spot on the bed next to my new babysitter.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm in trouble

Congratulations to me! After a year of trying to jump up onto Bee's bed, I finally made it! I've been hanging out there for a number of days, but Bee couldn't figure out who was unmaking her bed every day after she left for work.

She thought maybe after guzzling champagne at those various so-callled "work events " she has to go to every night, she thought she was simply too drunk to remember not making the bed in the morning.

To let her know I was the one in the bed, I peed on it. Bee wasn't happy.

Let's just say I'm on eviction notice again. I may not be joing Bee for the holidays. Anybody got a spare pillow in a corner I can cuddle up on?

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Catch up

I'm going to bite the Next door Neighbor the next time I see him.

We thought the NDN, better known as the asshole with the shady jobs that don't provide benefits who used to be a bodybuilder in his early 20s and bartended his way through Long Island to get enough money to fund his real estate/antique/bagel store/marine equipment business, was out of our lives for good when he moved out of the apartment in March. But back in August, during the time I took a major hiatus from this blog, NDN returned to the city (not living in the place next door, but looking to move back to Manhattan, perhaps downtown) and tried to get back in the saddle with Bee. He said he missed her and asked her out for dinner. Against the wishes of all of Manhattan, Bee went.

She claimed she went to dinner so she could be an evil bitch to him the entire time and tell the 30-year-old nimwit everything he had done wrong--such as dumped her to get back together with his 45-year-old ex-girlfriend. Twice. (when a woman's that old, don't you become a 'womanfriend?' No girl I know had wrinkles like that hag). Bee read NDN the riot act. But then she let him take her out to dinner again. That's when trouble began.

He fed her the same lines YET AGAIN about Bee being so right for him, and being such an amazing woman and how this is a better time in his life and he's cleaning out all of the bad influences in his life. Bee responded, "I don't trust a word you say. You're going to have to work impossibly hard to even get me to like you again. We're talking months and months of work. Are you willing?"

NDN said "Whatever it takes."

Bee demanded: " You've got one time to not do something you said you'd do, not call when you say you'd call, or simply make me question what you've been up to, and you can lose my number. I will be dead to you."

She let him take her dinners and go for walks, she even let him kiss her (against my wishes) and I BELIEVE there was hooking up (they locked me out of the room because NDN knew I would chomp on his Italian sausage if I saw it anywhere NEAR my mommy! Bastard!). He even tried to get on my good side by bringing Greenies every time he came over (you can't buy my love, you swindler!!!!! Sadly, I ate the Greenies anyway...)

After three weeks of dates, NDN went to Chicago on vacation and told her he'd stop by the night before to say goodbye. Not only did he not show, he failed to call Bee when he arrived in the Windy City. He didn't call until two days after he'd been away. She didn't pick up the phone. As she warned, she cut him out of her life, and never though twice about what could have, should, or would have happened had she called back. Bee finally realized the NDN was a no good, lying bum who was too lazy, insecure, and scared to go after the girl--–and the dog--—next door.

Two weeks later, Bee saw his car pull up in front of their apartments. He apologized for not calling her, explaining he ran late and almost missed his plane Bee's's eyes glazed over at his explanation). Then, NDN dropped the bomb:

"So it looks like I'm moving back next door."

Bee's mouth fell. "What happened to your clean start?"

"Do you know how hard it is to find an apartment in this city?," he said. "It's easier to move back in here."

Bee found his reversal a confirmation of how full of crap he was. There would be no new beginnings for the NDN, just more meandering and living the same shady life around the same shady people he'd always done. And no doubt, we'd probably see him with the haggard ex-girlfriend for the FOURTH time as soon as he moved back. Bee, satisfied with knowing she was undoubtedly correct in the decision to never date him again, simply smiled.

"Welcome back to the neighborhood," she said, and walked away.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Starting to get hectic

So hectic that I haven't had a moment to post blog items. I feel like a geriatric Frenchie, it's not like my paws are broken.

Okay, the update:
Number of roommates sleeping here: two , as of 11 PM
Number of boyfriends sleeping here: none
Number of fresh veggies in the refrigerator: five different types
Number of bottles of wine: none, Dee finished her bottle before bed
Number of bills on the refrigerator: one

So I'm in the doghouse because I've been slacking on the posts. It's true, but I will be in better touch. So many updates on the NDN, Aye (Oh schnap!), and Cee and the boyfriend.

But a tidbit before I rest. The holidays are definitely back. Now there's always a bottle of wine in the refrigerator. Good times.