Sunday, February 26, 2006


Yes, I've been gone for a minute.

But you didn't miss much.

Dee went to London to see Mr. Fling. She got back last Tuesday.

Cee went to Prague and Zurich. She returned Thursday--without her luggage. Well, actually the luggage never made it there.
I'm not sure it's even made it back.

Bee has been working her tail off, so I hardly see her. I have been a good doggie though, spending a lot of time with the roomies.

And Ei's dad arrived in town Friday, so she's been gone all weekend.

See? It's like a merry-go-round in here. One comes in, the other leaves. I'll try to keep up now that I'm back from my mid-winter slump.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Ice games

It's not everyday that we have professional athletes in the house. Especially on days with two feet of snow on the ground.

That said, it's perfectly understandable that a professional hockey player shows up to visit Cee (of course) at 8 PM last night. Cee has entertained said hockey player after he got her phone number at a swanky downtown lounge. But although this gentleman is tall, dark haired, French and loaded (Cee's type) he's a stiff as a cardboard box. And he rather watch sports than check out the opera. Therefore, Cee's not interested romantically.

She is, on the other hand, interested in him doting on her like she was royalty, and sharing a few laughs in the meantime.

So Cee invited the bruly Frenchman over to watch the Olympics with her and Bee and Ei (the others were required to stay to remove any opportunity of one-on-one alone time). When he arrived, I of course had to sniff him out to make sure he was TRULY French.

He was. He was allowed to stay.

After the cute formalities, Frenchie decided to get to know the girls a bit better. "Do you have boyfriends?" he asked.

Why, Frenchie? Because Bee and Ei weren't cuddled in bed with someone on this snow day? Because we'd rather hang out in our apartment by ourselves in our pjs instead of picking up behind some stank ass man?!

Ei and Bee became annoyed, and soon looked for a way out.

They soon retreated to bed, leaving Cee in the living room with Frenchie. According to what I could overhear, there was no kissing, just some gentle caressing and canoodling, and Cee politely yet sternly removing his hand from unwanted body parts.

See? Even professional athletes aren't guaranteed any action in this apartment.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow day

Number of roommates sleeping here: three
Number of roommates sleeping here at 2:45 on Sunday afternoon: one
Number of inches of snow on the patio: anywhere from 12 to 18 inches
Number of cups of tea consumed by roommates since 9 AM: 8
Number of room renovations underway: one was completed last night, another one will begin Tuesday

I almost died walking outside today, nearly buried alive under all of that snow. This is by far the most amount of snow I've ever had to trek through.

Bee, Cee and Ei have relegated themselves to the house for most of the day. Ei had an eye doc's appointment at 9:30 this morning (poor girl), Bee walked me and ran to Duane Reade for some cleaning supplies around 11, and Cee went to brunch (naturally, snow will not stop that girl from socializing). All are now back in their pajamas.

I have settlede in my corner of the living room, all snuggled on my pillows. I'm gong to catch a day long nap, until Bee has the strength to walk me one more time.

Of course, if she's feeling lazy and wants to just throw down a wee wee pad, I'd completely understand.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Ah, so I got the details on Cee's night. Turns out that her and Jewish Lawyer only talked and kissed in the room for a few hours. Cee escorted him out at 3:30 in the morning.

Drats! I thought he was going to stay the night, and then I could talk to him in the morning about his true feelings and such.

Cee woke up giddy as a bedbug in a hotel. Birds were chirping, bees were buzzing. Cupid's arrow was still lodged in her bony behind.

After we heard about the date, Cee and Bee took me out shopping! It was so exciting, I actually walked past 80th street--usually ,Bee never takes me past a couple of blocks because I love to smell everything and lick the ground and pull her all over the sidewalk. She's usually in such a hurry that she can't tolerate my ADD.

The two were trekking downtown to make a present for Dee (can't say what it is though in case Dee decides to read this while she's on her London vacation). We walked past coffee shops and bakeries, flirted with other dogs (and dog owners), and took in the crisp February air.

Rumor has it that a huge snowstorm is making its way to NYC this afternoon, so the girls made it back in time before the blizzard began. Now, all three of us are napping, sleeping in the heat of the apartment, sheltered from Mother Nature's late winter wrath.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Walker, part 2

So remember when Cee had that date with the cute Jewish lawyer? Well she's out with him again.

And as of five minutes ago, we almost had a repeat of last week's events where all of the roommates walked in on Cee and the boy making out. Just as Bee was about to walk out of her room to the bathroom, she heard the door click. Figuring it was Cee, Bee pretended to be asleep.

As expected, two pairs of footsteps came through the door. Cee and the boy quickly walked to her room, and since then, not a word has been uttered.

I will update you as soon as I get more details...

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Man, Bee is so stressed. She's never smiling and it seems she only has, like , a second for me. I'm trying to be good and not get cranky and throw a temper tantrum and poop in the corner like I did on Tuesday.

She wasn't happy about that.

Cee, meanwhile, just returned from a jaunt in New Orleans to go save hurricane victims. But Dee is packing her bags to head out to London to see her BP. Bee keeps asking if she'll move out once London Fling takes up residence here this spring. She says no.

Just in case, Bee has her friend AS on retainer in case a room becomes available.

Must admit, it's been rather quiet here since Aye left. No tension. No ugly stares from across the room. No plotting her death. No nasty behavior. No asking someone to put me in a cage so Aye can sleep until noon.

Yep, been peaceful.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


So Cee went on a date Wednesday night with a cute boy. Physically, he's not her usual type --short and Jewish instead of tall and smoldering Latin. Mentally, he's perfect--wicked smart and sensitive. So she's all over that.

Anyway, Cee was uber stoked to go out with him for coffee and whatever else the night brought. She left the house around 9 PM. Meanwhile, Ei left to meet her friends for dinner shortly thereafter. Bee went to bed early because she had to roll into work around 7:30, while Dee was still staying in a Midtown hotel with the London Fling.

After Bee fell asleep, I heard a rustling at the door. Now I'm no Doberman, but I can at least alert the girls when a non-normal set of footsteps approaches the door. So I growled when I heard a rustling that sounded heavier than normal. Cee had come home with the boy.

I got nervous, feeling that she might not have wanted to invite him in to snuggle on the couch, so I growled some more. Bee shushed me. Cee then moved into the bedroom.

After a half-hour, Cee escorted him out.

Cee and the boy continued kissing at the door, while my impatience for having the door wide open for the rest of the apartment to see grew stronger. I growled. Cee kissed. Bee hushed.

And Cee's passion grew my nervousness grew greater....Ei walked in and caught Cee and the boy kissing.

A red faced Cee apologized and walked the boy out to the entryway. Again, the door did not close. Making out continues.

Now Bee, annoyed that the door was not closed, had to use the bathroom. She walked out of her room, not knowing what was going on, as she was so exhausted she couldn't fully process the situation.

She opened her bedroom door. Then, I excitedly ran out of the room.

I made my presence known with a little bark and ran over to Cee to meet her new friend. I wanted to know his name, where he was from, where they went on their date, if he was coming back, everything!!

Instead, we caught Cee and the boy in the middle of ANOTHER heavy makeout session. Cee shrieks, and shoves the boy out of the front door.

The bright light blinded Bee as she walked to the bathroom, so it took a few seconds to make out the images at the door. Bee, blurry-eyed and confused apologized profusely to Cee. Cee shut the door, turned away from Bee and I in shame and went to her room.

Embarrassment permeated the apartment until the next morning, when all three girls giggled over the madness.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Number of roommates sleeping here: one (poor Bee)
Number of roommates spending this evening with a boy: two
Number of said boys who are foreigners: one
Number of times Ei has called Verizon about that $497 phone bill: four
Number of dollars Ei will have to pay Verizon after the fourth call: $497
Number of days that have passed since I've seen Louis: too many