Thursday, May 31, 2007


must be dating someone. Here's why:

--she hasn't come home before 11 since April.
--she doesn't wake up before 10.
--she is constantly on the phone, speaking in lovey dovey Hebrew through the biggest Kool-Aid grin I've ever seen while twirling her hair.
--her underwear has gotten a lot smaller and lacier (okay, I can't confirm this but I heeaaaarrrrddd through the grapevine her talking about having to make a run to Victoria's Secret to "restock")

So what it is, Ei? Are you going to bring the guy by so I can approve of him? Give him the Frenchie Ten-Point Inspection? I know, Ei's probably nervous.

But I don't bite. I just lick.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I'm bitter

because Bee didn't take me with her to the Midwest for Memorial Day. Something about when I was there the last time I was such a nuisance, so her mother didn't want me back there.


The only thing I did was get sick and make a mess on the carpet. Twice.

Whatever , I don't need to be harassed by that lesbian Shiz Tzu Trinity anyway. Instead, I'm at The Dog Walkers in Manhattan during the three-day holiday, chilling in the city, going to the dog run for like two hours a day.


First Dee abandons me. Now my own mother.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Peanut butter and jelly

has got to be the most versatile meal ever. I see Bee Hoover it up all the time. Plus, I love me some PB. Bee gave me a huge PB flavord bone yesterday that took me two days to finish.

But I finished it.

Moving on....yesterday new roommate brought a gang of her buddies over here all for the sole purpose of watching me jump, run and beg for food. What the eff do I look like?? I was trying to get my nod on since I had spent most of the morning at the dog run and here she comes expecting entertainment.

If you want laughs, go rent Weddding Crashers.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Number of roommates sleeping here: two, plus yet another houseguest. It's like an Israeli hostel up in here
Number of boxes of cereal on top of the refrigerator: five
Number of boxes of crackers on top of the microwave: two (Swedish fiber crackers and mutligrain Wheat Thins)
Number of bottles of champagne on top of the liquor cabinet: two
Number of pieces of luggage in the foyer: one
Number of reruns of "Sex and the City" Ei and Bee have watched in the last hour and a half: three

It's raining, so Bee and I are inside. Had a great time hanging out earlier today with Bee's friend, Moan, earlier. Wine , grilled calamari, and hummus. I enjoyed every bit.

Including the wine.