Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A week of recovery

A week after my procedure, I have less watery eyes, but I still get a little buildup of fluid when I first wake up. All told, these drops are helping, and I hope that I won't need my ingrown eyelashes pulled out again.

That. was not. comfortable.

In other news, I spent just about all weekend on the couch because Bee was too busy running the streets to sit with me. Friday, she stumbled in after some drinks. Saturday, she stumbled around the apartment with Aunty Mona after two bottles of wine. And on Monday, she stumbled over me after wobbling over a bag that shipped Pad That to our apartment in less than 20 minutes.

Me thinks I should really be working my new eye work at the dog run. I don't think the Pad Thai delivery guy really appreciated my newfound beauty.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not so bad

The prognosis? I have dry tear ducts.
The treatment? Ointment and eye wash twice a day.

The bill? $598.

At least I don't have stitches nor will have to stay at home while my swelling goes down. I'm still drowsy, but just ate my first meal in 30 hours. Am settling in for bed right after my first treatment.

Not exactly under the knife

Good news....sorta.

I didn't need to go under the knife. Dr. Cho, my opthamologist, said that the eyelashes aren't my big problem. So no laser treatment needed.

Instead, I have low tear production, a.k.a, dry eye. This means that there's not enough liquid forming in my tear ducts and mixing with the natural mucus in my eye. She said that's a bigger problem than my eyelashes in my eyes.

Rather than do electrolysis on my eyelids, the doc recommended a saline wash and eye drops treatment for my dry eye. She said that the problem is chronic, but at least it's not serious. She also gave me a general anesthesia so I would calm down enough for her to pluck those stray eyelashes that happen to fall towards my eyelid.

And while this means that I didn't have to be knocked out for most of the day while she removed my stray hairs, it will cost Bee about the same amount as if I were to have the surgery. Those prescriptions are pricey!

I'm still at the doc's office, and my general anesthesia is slowly wearing off. More later.

cosmetic surgery

We decided to go through with the surgery. Dr. Freid came back with an estimate that is half the cost of the previous one.

And so, I am en route to my eye lift. Bee is jealous because I am getting cosmetic surgery before she does.

Though I will look fly when it's done, I admit.....I'm a bit nervous. They have to knock me out to pluck my eyelashes!

I better get some tasty treats when I get home.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I disappeared for a while. You might have noticed.

I had to give my eyes a rest. See, for about three months I've been having some severe eye drippage problems. You know when you get an eyelash in your eye and your eye tears up? Well, that's been happening to me constantly for months.

Bee had no idea this was the root of my constant eye drippage until she took me to the vet on Friday. It was then that Dr. Freid at Animal General delivered a best-case-yet-most-expensive diagnosis. I have ingrown eyelashes on my left eye that brush against my cornea every time I blink. That in turn causes irritation, and cause my eye to tear up. That liquid then collects on my eyelids and goop up and harden into eye boogers after a period of time.

The solution? Electrolysis to remove the eyelashes.

As in, eyelid surgery. For dogs.

Dr. Freid said that the opthamologist who can perform the surgery is only available once a month, but by some wacky change in scheduling, she's coming in to the city on Tuesday. Tuesday! That means I could have these pesky hairs out of my eye in two days.

But the surgery is estimated to cost $1500. I know, not exactly cheap. Bee is looking for a second opinion.

I'm not in pain with this small problem, but it is annoying to have this drippage problem every day. So I ask, does anyone have a low budget alternative to my expensive eyelash electrolysis? All suggestions are welcome.
