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Bee says: (10:51:37 PM)
I saw lidnsety lohan tonight!

Dee has been added to the conversation.

Bee says: (10:51:51 PM)
yeah!! lidnsey lohan!

Bee says: (10:52:01 PM)
i'm a rock star!!!

Dee says: (10:52:11 PM)

A. says: (10:52:27 PM)
what's up?

Bee says: (10:52:39 PM)
i saw sarah jessica parker!! and cynthia nixon!!! and carson cressley,and a whole bunch of otherre!!

A. says: (10:53:21 PM)
who is carson cressley?

Dee says: (10:53:35 PM)

A. says: (10:53:35 PM)
damn, where's the love form alexa

Dee says: (10:53:40 PM)
i'm really confused

Dee says: (10:53:42 PM)

Dee says: (10:53:56 PM)
A. says: (10:54:15 PM)
don't you recognize my picture?

Dee says: (10:54:41 PM)
LOL!!! Holy Shit! i'm sorry- ur pic doesn't come up for me!! i must have to add u to my buddy list or something

Dee says: (10:54:51 PM)
my bros name is A.- so i was really really confused

A. says: (10:55:03 PM)

A. says: (10:55:17 PM)
did Bee ever forward you my pics?

Dee says: (10:55:21 PM)

Dee says: (10:55:24 PM)
do it!! immediately

Dee says: (10:55:29 PM)
Bee, so - how's buddha bar? like the one in paris?

A. says: (10:55:49 PM)
did it just open?

Bee says: (10:55:58 PM)
uh huh

A says: (10:56:41 PM)
i was like "where the heck is Bee!"

A. says: (10:57:37 PM)
so i see that morillo is playing again on friday

Bee says: (10:57:50 PM)
morillo, where?

A. says: (10:59:15 PM)
where are you guys? don't tell me you are messaging from your rooms

Dee says: (10:59:37 PM)
lol- yep-sure are

A. says: (10:59:44 PM)
shut up A.!!

A. says: (11:00:06 PM)
come to sf and make me

Bee says: (11:00:31 PM)
asswipe. i just might

Dee says: (11:03:47 PM)
aren't u supposed to be out here this weekend or something A.?

A.says: (11:03:50 PM)
yup...clock's tickin

A. says: (11:03:57 PM)
good memory

Dee says: (11:04:08 PM)
and Bee- i read the blog- what did u do this past weekend?

Bee says: (11:04:21 PM)
oh was out of control...

A.says: (11:04:43 PM)
i was thinking about coming out when i heard that morillo was spinning, but it wasn't until a few days ago that i saw that morillo was playing for sure. wasn't on the pacha calendar

A. says: (11:04:53 PM) i need to check it out?

Dee says: (11:05:04 PM)
is there anything that needs to be reported, Bee

Bee says: (11:06:11 PM)
uh last weekend was really bad.

Dee says: (11:06:23 PM)
spill it

Bee says: (11:06:27 PM)
let's just say it was really really crackhead bad/

Dee says: (11:06:28 PM)
oh shit- and i missed it

A. says: (11:06:36 PM)

Dee says: (11:06:47 PM)
i LOOOOVE crackhead bad